
Mikael Peterson


1987 – 1992        Technical University of Linköping, Sweden
                         M Sc in Industrial Engineering and Management
                         Majors in Economic Information Systems (IT)
                         and Electrical Engineering

1983 – 1987        Technical gymnasium, Hultsfred, Sweden               


2001- current       Billerud AB Paper mill Skärblacka, Sweden
                         Manager Technical customer service

1998 - 2001         Billerud AB Paper mill Skärblacka, Sweden
                         Technical customer service engineer

1993 - 1998         Holmen Paper AB Braviken paper mill,Sweden
                         Production engineer                            










My passion however was always football. When I didn´t play myself I followed my teams in Sweden (IFK Norrköping) and England (Liverpool). To follow Liverpool I had to train my English to be able to understand the broadcasts of BBC, especially as Radio Moscow seemed to have the same frequency! Being able to listen and understand people in other countries has ever since been something that has interested me. That has spurred me to learn more languages as French, German and now recently Czech. I have to be honest and say with various success.

I have always enjoyed travelling and has seen how important it is to understand each other and what complications that can come if you don´t. The experience of my life was travelling the world as a 20 year old, spending three months in Australia being top of the list. Now being married to a czech girl, speaking Swedish with her, English with her father, German with her mother and at the same time improving my Czech is a challange! We have very interesting family get togethers!




I am married with Radka, having two children
Jenny & Lucas.

I was born in Linköping in Sweden, on 29.10.1968. I spent my boyhood in several places around the country as my father kept changing paper mills! I was always interested in technical issues although more from a theoretical point of view. I never really understood why all my friends had to dismantle their mopeds to make it run faster.


The Translators




